Our Interests
Arts Appreciation
Art for art's sake?
Botany and Wildflowers
Crazy for plants & wild about flowers.
Bridge the gap?
Creative Textiles
Bursting at the seams with material pleasure.
Get hooked on crochet.
Dry Stone Walling
Discover the zen of dry.
French Conversation.
Amusez-vous avec le français.
Functions and Trips
Where to go? What to do?
German Conversation
Sprechen sie gerne deutsch? Or would you like to?
Guitar Tuition
No strings attached!
Information Technology
IT is the IN thing!
Longer Walks
Take a step in the right direction.
Poetry Reading
Explore the pleasure of poetry.
Scrabbling to win.
Sketching for Beginners.
Drawing people together.
Social Cycling
On your bike?
Sunday Lunches.
Good food and a smorgasbord of conversation.
Vernacular History
Building excitement in Upper Eden!
Watercolour Painting for Beginners.
Add some colour to your life.
Wood Carving
Find your cutting edge.
A note regarding interest groups
All Upper Eden u3a interest groups offer member oriented sessions where we hope to share and learn from one another. Though many of our members are expert in their field of interest any guidance offered or opinions expressed by individual members should not be construed as being a substitute for professional help. Consequently no liability is implied or accepted as a consequence of following another member's suggestions.
Interests Wanting Love.
Suggestions for new interest groups are always emerging. We offer support to get them 'off the ground'.
If you have a suggestion as to an interest group you'd like to see established or are interested in any of the following why not get in touch?